Vol 21|No 4|December|2024

By unknown author - ""La Guillotine en 1793" by H. Fleischmann (1908), Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=11471992

The coming Reign of Terror

Given the vows of the president-elect to shake things up, wreak vengeance upon political enemies and deport millions of undocumented workers along with their families, it is quite possible historians will look back at his second term in office as they do at a similar time during the French Revolution that is usually called the “Reign of Terror.”

In this article Jamie supplies a checklist of words normally associated with times of horrendous upheaval, suggesting it might be used to assess to what extent the president-elect has instituted a new Reign of Terror.

I am no Gatsby
by Jamie McKenzie

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