Vol 20|No 6|February|2024

© J. McKenzie and Mia Shy

What is beauty? What is beautiful?

Defining "beauty" turns out to be a complex task, unless you are happy skating along the surface meanings created over the years by Hollywood, the cosmetic industry, photographers and painters.

In 2008, Jamie spent a week visiting a school in New Zealand as "Thinker in Residence."
When meeting with students, we explored a single concept in more depth than is often typical of classroom discourse. We took the concept of beauty and both extended and deepened our grasp of what it might mean in our lives. The more we explored, the more complex our understanding. Rather than compressing and simplifying, we entertained the possibility that some concepts such as truth, beauty, friendship, courage and honor might be worthy of prolonged inquiry.
And then in 2010, Jamie began writing about the challenge of understanding and defining such complex concepts. "Studying Complex Concepts such as Beauty, Truth and Courage in Depth " In this article he extends the thinking about beauty he began back then.

I am no Gatsby
by Jamie McKenzie

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