Research Cycle

 The Question Mark

 Vol 1|No 6|May|2005

Appendix B The Teacher QDP

By Jamie McKenzie
© 2005 Jamie McKenzie, all rights reserved.

About the author.

This survey may be used for free in schools only by those who have purchased the book.

1. I ask students to explore important questions and issues arising out of the content of my class.

never __ monthly __ weekly __ 2-3 times weekly __ daily __

2. I challenge students to do their own thinking, build their own answers and interpret information.

never __ monthly __ weekly __ 2-3 times weekly __ daily __

3. I encourage students to center their research around an essential question of some kind..

never __ monthly __ weekly __ 2-3 times weekly __ daily __

4. I expect students to organize their thinking using Inspiration™ and other software programs to make mind maps.

never __ monthly __ weekly __ 2-3 times weekly __ daily __

5. I expect students to organize their thinking using paper to draw mind maps or cluster diagrams.

never __ monthly __ weekly __ 2-3 times weekly __ daily __

6. I ask students to work in groups to solve problems, make decisions and explore challenging questions.

never __ monthly __ weekly __ 2-3 times weekly __ daily __

7. I have become quite good at adding to my repertoire of classroom moves, tactics and strategies to promote student questioning and wondering.

strongly agree __ agree__ disagree__ strongly disagree __

8. I really don’t have the time or energy to do much lesson or unit development aimed at promoting student questioning.

strongly agree __ agree__ disagree__ strongly disagree __

9. I take pleasure in learning new approaches alongside of my peers in ways that are informal, casual and low-key.

strongly agree __ agree__ disagree__ strongly disagree __

10. I would need some kind of packaged program to make sure my students have good questioning experiences.

strongly agree __ agree__ disagree__ strongly disagree __

11. There is so much curriculum content to cover that I can rarely take the time to engage students in group investigations and problem solving.

strongly agree __ agree__ disagree__ strongly disagree __

12. I am getting quite good at diagnosing which students need which skills at which times by observing them as they conduct research and by asking them good questions about what they are doing.

strongly agree __ agree__ disagree__ strongly disagree __

13. If I run into in a new task requiring skills I do not already possess, I am quite good at teaching myself the new skills or finding someone to help me learn them.

strongly agree __ agree__ disagree__ strongly disagree __

14. The district offers me a wide and rich menu of learning opportunities in support of the questioning and research goals that allow me to match my preferred learning styles with the activities I select.

strongly agree __ agree__ disagree__ strongly disagree __

15. There is not enough time for me to figure out smart ways to engage my classes in doing lots of questioning and investigating.

strongly agree __ agree__ disagree__ strongly disagree ____

16. If I get stuck or frustrated with something new, I know whom to turn to if I want support and assistance.

strongly agree __ agree__ disagree__ strongly disagree __

17. I would do more with student questioning if it were not for the pressures that are loaded onto me by the new state standards and tests.

strongly agree __ agree__ disagree__ strongly disagree __

18. I am making more time now than I used to for students to do more of the thinking - analyzing, interpreting, inferring and synthesizing.

strongly agree __ agree__ disagree__ strongly disagree __

19. I spend lots of time wondering how I can make questioning and wondering a major focus in my classes.

strongly agree __ agree__ disagree__ strongly disagree __

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Credits: The photographs were shot by Jamie McKenzie .

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