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Higher Level Thinking

Even very young children can tackle challenging questions if we frame them carefully in words that make sense to them.

© 2002, JMcKenzie
First graders can compare and contrast fast food restaurants, for example.

Four year olds can talk about ways to help a sad friend.

Even young children can analyze, interpret, infer and synthesize.


The artwork for The Slam Dunk logo was done
by Nico Toutenhoofd and Sarah McKenzie
of Insight Designs -
It may not be used or duplicated without the explicit permission

of Jamie McKenzie, inventor of the model

as the image is copyrighted by him.

The materials on the pages of Questioning.Org and the HTML code behind them
are © Jamie McKenzie, all rights reserved.
Some of the icons are courtesy of Jay Boersma's site at http://www.ECNet.Net/users/gas52r0/Jay/home2.html.